Don't Be a Victim of Jewelry Turning You Green This Summer

We've all been there, right? You buy a beautiful piece of jewelry, pack it for your summer vacation, and realize halfway through a nice dinner out that dreamy new ring is turning your skin GREEN and it's too late to stop it.
Choose materials wisely.
Look for solid gold, gold fill, or sterling silver, rather than a plated metal. Our favorite gold fill jewelry has the thickest possible layer of gold that is pressure bonded to the core metal which means that it won't chip off. Gold fill is more durable and less expensive than solid gold, but it acts and looks like gold!
Create a physical barrier when necessary.
If you go for a copper piece, look for one that has been coated with a protective barrier. Many folks will use clear nail polish or beeswax at home on copper jewelry to prevent it from creating the green-ring discoloration as it reacts to skin. Our line of copper + gemstone rings are sealed with a jeweler grade sealant, which helps to reduce the natural patina process and the likelihood of your skin turning green.
Avoid chlorine and sweat.
Remove jewelry when swimming and sweating if possible! Chlorine and sweat can both accelerate any natural reactions your skin has to metal. If it's important to you to be able to wear your jewelry during all of your summer activities, we'll refer you back to our first tip--materials matter! Thick gold fill or solid gold will be your best bet.
Avoid cosmetics coming into contact with jewelry.
Similarly to chlorine and sweat, your skincare products can accelerate chemical reactions between your skin and metals. Remove jewelry when applying lotion and perfume. If you take your jewelry off overnight, wait to put it on again until you are walking out the door and all your morning routine products have absorbed.